
Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Tenor Sax
Overdriven Guitar
Mouth Harp
FX 8 (sci-fi]
Orchestral Harp


Ma-don-na light, the hy-per spee-ding, car-essed the new-born, with a tear, of mis-ty wind-fields, crys-tal plains, and all the ma-gic of, day-break... The vir-gin dream, a haun-ting taste of, cel-tic love joys, warm at court, wi-thered ri-vers, and pain-ted streams, cut deep the sweet va-gi-na... Oh yes the lords, the mon-ied mer-chants, the feud-a-li-stic, jes-ter slave, walk deep be-tween, these walls of stone, in a fa-ding sky, pul-sa-tion... De-scen-ded veil, of re-sur-ec-tion, A-gri-col-a's gran-ite tomb, the blood of Pict, in all its fu-ry, died by a thou-sand, eyes... And dead-ly is, the stage which stag-nates, calm be-fore a ra-ging storm, the hands and nails, fro-zen black, by twi-light stri-ipped of, sin-ew... Sin-ews splin-tered, splen-dor crack-led, swir-ling for-est, cas-tle ride, funn-eled through, ma-gen-ta hall-ways, hell was bu-ut the, froth... Toth the I-sis, chi-ld knew, as mo-ther's milk, had come from ma-gic, pipes of spice, and fi-re fly, dia-monds o-of the, light-ning... Light-ning dia-mond, fest-i-val, of dra-gon fi-re, crick-et strings, leaf per-cu-ssion, look-ing glass, far be-neath the, ground man!