Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Overdriven Guitar

Overdriven Guitar

Electric Bass (finger]

All crea tures born are born to die but be fore they sur vi ive Some crea tures born they ne ver live but still they are al i ive U pon a bo ny steed I swa ay, my scythe a bove the he erd I want to mu rder ev rey one in the en ti re wo orld Death feeds the cy cle, dri ven by your hate Can't you see there's no thing left to cre ate? All is for me to de stroy And emp ti ness em ploy I want to mur der ev ery one in the en ti re wo orld Ev ery man and wo men, ev ery boy and ev ery gi irl Swa llow up the air and earth, mu til ate the worms Kill the mes sen ger who begs us to con si der te erms But hat red is a feel ing that's mu tat ed with time Into something much more sublime To kill without passion - a new ability I slay with a new efficiency This effect is most pleasing As I slaughter millions for no reason A vision...of universal death... No No Order No Reason No Triumph No Truth So Horny So Fetid So Violent So Uncouth The young are simply too dumb to live The old are weak and unclean The ones in the middle, they also must die Their ways are obtuse and obscene Biledriver! Bring forth the Biledriver! Biledriver! Bring forth the Biledriver! All is for me to destroy And nothingness enjoy I want to murder everyone in the entire world I want to murder everyone in the entire world I want to murder everyone in the entire world I want to murder everyone in the entire world I want to murder everyone in the entire world