Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Guitar 1
Overdriven Guitar

Guitar 2
Electric Guitar (muted]

Guitar 3
Overdriven Guitar

Guitar 4
Electric Guitar (muted]

Acoustic Bass


Baritone Sax

I- keep wond-ering all these days how to thrive the way we stray. a+year, a life-time, par-ted, to-get-her. Will be all the same! You are here, you make me feel so high, day by day some-thing one can de-ny... Let's give each ot-her cer-ta-in-ty! ALL OV-ER THE NA-TIONS WHEN TUNES COME ALI-VE, WIN-NERS AND LOS-ERS, WE ARE+ALL A-LIKE! NO+MAT-TER THE TRUTH IS SOME GREAT MYS-TER-Y! WE ALL FADE IN TO ONE! Don't you feel too hypno-tiz-ed or+keep your fu-ture jeo-para-dized. So+what's ac-com-plished, cry-ing for no-thing? Skip de-pres-sion now! Come, a-rise! And take me hi-gh-er, no more lies and ever-y soul can see we're in-car-nate sin-cer-i-t-y! ALL OV-ER THE NA-TIONS WHEN TUNES COME ALI-VE, WIN-NERS AND LOS-ERS, WE ARE+ALL A-LIKE! NO+MAT-TER THE TRUTH IS SOME GREAT MYS-TER-Y! WE ALL FADE IN TO ONE! ALL OV-ER THE NA-TIONS WHEN TUNES COME ALI-VE, WIN-NERS AND LOS-ERS, WE ARE+ALL A-LIKE! NO MAT-TER THE TRUTH IS SOME GREAT MYS-TER-Y! WE ALL FADE IN TO ONE! Man-y things to make me sad, some can ev-en drive me mad, just+fear for-e-ver, no more en-deavo-urs, leave me where I stand!