Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Guitar 1 Drop D - rythm
Overdriven Guitar

(guitar 1)
Electric Guitar (muted]

Guitar 2 Drop D - leads
Overdriven Guitar

Synth Brass 2


Bass - Drop D
Electric Bass (finger]

Wah wah one and one is two. We got a dra-ma. I'm wat-ching T-V and I don't need you. Bring on the dra-ma. I'm tel-ling you som'thin' and you know it's true. You're full of dra-ma. My piss is yel-low and the sky is blue. We got a dra-ma. Spare me. You're drai-ning me. Wah wah one and two is three. Bring on the dra-ma. There's som'-thin' wrong yeah I a-gree. We got a dra-ma. I'll tell you some-thin' you're cho-cho-kin' me. With all your dra-ma. (Oh)life stinks and the grass is green. We got a dra-ma. Spare me. You're drai-ning me. Spare me. You're drai-ning me drai-ning me. You're drai-ning me-e. You're drai-ning me-e. (?? ?? rock yeah!) Spare me. You're drai-ning me. Spare me. You're drai-ning me drai-ning me. You're drai-ning me-e. You're drai-ning me-e. You're drai-ning me-e. You're drai-ning me-e.